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The United States’ rich firearms industry means that there is a smorgasbord of gun manufacturers to choose from. From boutique handgun builders to major handgun manufacturers, hundreds of thousands of handguns are shipped each year. And with such a rich and varied selection,

The only thing more American than apple pie and Thanksgiving is our rights as gun owners. America has a rich and varied history of guns that helped shape our culture. Plymouth Colony and Settlement When film and television portray the earliest settlers of

There is no cookie cutter description of a gun owner. Gun owners come from a wide array of backgrounds. You have gun enthusiasts and gun collectors, to hunters, law enforcement, and people who just want to protect their families from harm—there are many

When it comes to guns and the sale of guns in Michigan, there is a lot of misinformation floating around. If you are considering selling your used gun or looking to buy used guns in Michigan, there are a lot of variables you