CPL Classes
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With so many options for cpl classes out there, how do you know who to choose?
Carrying a firearm is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly, the same goes for your training. We searched for an instructor who would provide our customers with the proper knowledge and training. We have partnered with West Michigan Concealed Carry!

About west michigan concealed carry
West Michigan Concealed Carry is the leader in CPL and Home Defense Training! We have an innovative customer centered approach to training. Carrying a firearm is a decision that should not be taken lightly and we want to make sure your prepared. We focus on three main principles in all of our classes.
EDUCATE- Know what you can and can’t do when it comes to using a firearm for defense. We help you understand the laws as well as the effects of using a firearm in a deadly force situation. In these times of uncertainty a firearm can be the last line of defense against a threat. Our goal is to provide you with the best education possible at an affordable price. We use the latest technology and video simulators to provide you with the most realistic scenarios possible.
Train- We start with laser blow-back trainers to get your form dialed in and teach you to safely use your firearm. Once form and safety is established we move on to using your actual firearm or one of our rental firearms to qualify. We deal with all skill levels and our firearm instructors will work with each student to make sure they are hitting the mark. We understand that everyone learns at their own pace and will make sure each student has the training necessary to be prepared for whatever situations the World may throw at you.
Defend- The use of a firearm is always a last resort but sometimes it is the only option to stop a threat. Whether you are wanting to carry a firearm every day or just wanting to have a gun to defend your home, we will get you prepared. We provide you with the tools knowledge and training to prepare you to defend yourself!
Sign up today for one of our classes! A list of courses available and dates can be found at the bottom of this page!
About Ryan Veenman - Owner of west michigan concealed training
West Michigan Concealed Carry is operated by Ryan Veenman. Ryan is a NRA certified pistol instructor and a life long outdoor firearm enthusiast. He is also employed by Lakeshore Guns giving him a unique perspective on customers needs from a retail perspective. Ryan has years of experience in teaching firearms safety and working with first time firearm buyers. He lives in Hamilton with his Wife and Two Kids who are all avid shooters as well. Ryan’s number one goal is to have students leave class with a new found knowledge and confidence in handling and carrying a firearm safely.
Ryan also is assisted in his class with numerous current and former law enforcement officers. Their first hand knowledge and experience brings training to a whole new level!
Classes Offered
Basic CPL
The basic CPL Class is for beginners who would like to obtain a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) in the state of Michigan. Out class is an 8hr course with 5 Hours of Classroom Time plus 3 Hours of Range Time. This class meets the requirements oulined in 5(J) of 1927 PA372. Our classes use the latest technology including recoil enabled laser pistols as well as interactive video scenarios allowing you to face real life situations. We are the only trainers in the greater West Michigan Area that offers this training and you will be amazed at the knowledge you gain from the use of this training.
Topics Covered In Class
– Firearm Safety
– Pistol Knowledge and Selecting a Firearm For Self Defense/Home Defense
– Ammunition Knowledge and Defense Ammo Selection
– Basic Defensive Pistol Skills Including Shooting from Cover and Concealment
– Drawing From Concealment
– Clearing a Jam
– Avoiding Criminal Attack and Controlling a Violent Confrontation
– Mindset, Responding to an Attack and Aftermath
– All Laws Related To Carrying a Concealed Firearm In Michigan
– Firearm Laws and Civil Liberty and Use of Deadly Force
COST OF CLASS $110.00 (Includes Range Fees)
– Pistol and 50rds of Ammo
– Hearing and Eye Protection
– Light Snack Or Small Lunch
Paper and Pen
– Pistol rentals are available for $30.00 and Includes 50rds of Ammuntion
Home Defense Course
West Michigan Concealed Carry offers a home defense class. The class is 8 hours long and structured to your personal circumstance including your defensive firearm. In the a.m. portion of the class we will ask you what your current plan is to defend and protect your home. After learning your plan, we will put it to action utilizing recoil enabled laser training devices along with simulators and props such as door jambs, windows, and walls. We will critique and improve your plan throughout the morning.
In the afternoon portion of the class we will put your newly developed plan to action with a more in-depth use of the laser simulation including force on force training with air soft and range props. Our goal is to not only have a plan in place but, to have you comfortable with your plan to protect your family in times of need.
This class is for the very beginner to the more advanced. However, if you need to become more comfortable with your firearm. We will have one on one time to help you disassemble, reassemble, clean, load, unload, and clear malfunctions of your defensive firearm. We will also have a range time if needed to allow you to shoot and become confident with your firearm.
The cost of the class is $200.00 dollars for individual or $300.00 for a pair. Pairs may be spouses, parent/child, or friends
Class date and location: August 16th at the South Haven Rod and Gun Club 68611 8th Ave South Haven, MI 49090
Items needed: your defensive firearm pistol, shotgun, or semiautomatic rifle such as an AR-15.
10 – 30 rounds of live ammunition “however many you feel you may need to shoot to become comfortable”
Your safety/locking mechanism you use at home. “if size of the safe/locking mechanism allows”
Small snack/lunch. Break provided around middle of day.
Note pad and writing utensil for notes
If interested, please contact Ryan Veenman @ 616-610-5131